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​Communicable Diseases

Communicable diseases refer to infectious diseases that can be transmitted from one individual, or species, to another.  Statistics are available for the following diseases.


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) data are available in HIV/AIDS Annual Summary and Other Reports(opens in a new tab), which contain current and historical data for the state and counties by numerous variables including: sex, race, and age.  Epidemiology Data for PA HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Services(opens in a new tab) provides an epidemiologic profile of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Pennsylvania.


Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Statistics(opens in a new tab) are available for three of the more prevalent STDs in Pennsylvania - Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis.  These statistical reports show the burden of these diseases for Pennsylvania and all 67 counties.


Data are available on Tuberculosis, a bacterial, contagious disease primarily affecting the lungs, through the Enterprise Data Dissemination Informatics Exchange (EDDIE)(opens in a new tab) system.  Cases and incidence rates are available for Pennsylvania and its counties in tables, time series graphs, and maps.