Welcome to the Pennsylvania Primary Care Office (PA PCO) Healthcare Workforce Dashboard. This dashboard was developed to provide objective information to the public. This information is Pennsylvania-specific, and it reflects a wide variety of self-reported survey responses captured at the time of practitioner license renewal. Collectively, this information informs a general, statewide profile of Pennsylvania's health professional workforce. The information presented here reflects a cooperative effort between PA PCO and the Pennsylvania Department of State, Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs. The Department of State administers the PA PCO practitioner surveys as part of the biennial license renewal process. Additionally, nursing education information is accessible here, and it reflects data collected in the Professional/Practical Nursing Education Program Annual Report.
This dashboard is supported and maintained within the PA PCO.
Please direct questions to:
Pennsylvania Department of Health, Primary Care Office
Room 1031 Health and Human Services Building
625 Forster Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120
Telephone: (717) 772-5298
Featured Dashboard: Physician Assistant Survey Dashboard 2020
Health Care Workforce Dashboard Instructions (PDF)
Workforce Dashboard Methods and Technical Notes (PDF)
Understanding Health Statistics - this link explains how DOH Collects, Calculates, Analyzes & Presents Health Statistics
- N/A = Practitioners who indicated they are not actively practicing, or practicing out of state, or failed to provide the Pennsylvania county in which they are practicing.
- Gender - Other selection includes all genders selected which were not Male, Female, or Prefer not to say.
- Clear all - reverts to default view.
- No selection - same as selecting all
Additional Survey Dashboards
Dentist Survey Dashboards
Dental Hygienist Survey Dashboard
Physician Survey Dashboards
Licensed Practical Nurse Survey Dashboards
Registered Nurse Survey Dashboard
The following dashboards are coming soon:
- Physician Assistant Dashboard
- Registered Nurse Dashboard
- Nursing Education Dashboard